Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Rainbow Rolls Monsoon Special

Rainbow Rolls

Make and Eat Rainbow Rolls this Monsoon.

These vibrant colors are just eye pleasing and the combination tastes awesome.

1. Make a roti base with all purpose flour or who wheat aata.

2. Spread meyoneese or cheese spread.

3. Put all vegetables in Rainbow order
(before that sauté each veg in butter, garlic paste and sprinkle black pepper powder and salt).

3. Roll it.

4. Again shallow fry this roll in butter

5. Plate it and cut in halves.

Ready to serve.

Rainbow Colors:

1. Red Tomatoes
2. Orange Carrots
3. Yellow Capsicum
4. Green Spinach (blanched)
5. Blue Yam (steamed)
6. White Potatoes (steamed)
7. Purple Cabbage

Enjoy the Rains....


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